PHP: 'Hello, World!' Program

As in any programming language, we start by writing our first 'Hello, World!' program in PHP. PHP scripts are mostly run and displayed in a browser, but they can also be run from the command-line.

PHP 'Hello, World!' from the Command Line

Open a text editor (say Gedit, Leafpad, Lime Text or whatever available), create a new file, and type in the below PHP code (or copy & paste it from here)

							echo 'Hello, World!';  

Save the file as hello.php. Below we note some of its basic syntax:

  • PHP code begins with the open tag <?php and ends at ?>.
  • echo is a PHP language construct for sending texts/strings, variable values and HTML snippets into the browser.
  • Statements in PHP end with a semicolon (;). The echo statement in the above program ends with a semicolon.
  • PHP files have the extension .php

We can execute the above PHP file from the command line, typing

						$ php hello.php

We can also execute PHP as a shell script. Add the #!/usr/bin/php shebang interpreter directive to the file as its first line of script. The path could be different for different operating systems; type

						which php

to confirm. In Mac and Linux systems, it is usually


So, the shell script is


							echo 'Hello, World!';  

Next, we type a command in the terminal to mark hello.php as executable

						chmod u+x hello.php

The script file can now be executed from the terminal by running the command


PHP 'Hello, World!' in a Browser

In this section, we will embed our PHP 'Hello, World!' script from the above section in HTML, run and see the output in a web browser. The steps are outlined below.

1) Create a PHP project directory

If you are using a Mac, you can go to the working directory created as shown in the Step 3 of our previous tutorial. If you name your working directory as /Sites, navigate to it

						$ cd /users/username/Sites

If you are using a Linux system, navigate to /var/www/html

						cd /var/www/html

Now create a project directory there, say, hello

						sudo mkdir hello

Navigate again to the newly created hello directory

						cd hello

2) Create hello.php

Open a text editor, create a new file, and type in the below code (or copy & paste it from here) containing our embedded 'Hello, World!' PHP script in the HTML

							<!DOCTYPE html>
							<title>Hello, World! Page</title>
								echo 'Hello, World!';  

Save the file as hello.php.

3) Start Apache

If you are using a Mac, start the Apache server by typing the below command into the terminal

						apachectl start

If you are using a Linux system, type

						sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

After starting the server, type http://localhost/hello/hello.php in the URL bar of your web browser. The resulting screen should look something like the one shown below

PHP 'Hello, World!' Page

4) View Source Code

Now right-click on the page and select View page source from the context menu (or just do Ctrl+U)

PHP 'Hello, World!' Page Source

In the page source, we find neither the open tag <?php nor the end tag ?> we typed. We do not find the echo statement either. What happened here?

When the browser sends an HTTP request to the web server for a .php file, the server first sends the .php file to the PHP interpreter. The PHP interpreter checks for PHP sections inside the file. When it finds an open tag <?php, it runs the code inside it till the end tag ?>, and replaces the code with its output. The server then sends the result back to the browser, which is what we saw on doing Ctrl+U.


  • A heap of detailed information about your current installed PHP like version, file locations, configuration, predefined variables, environment, HTTP headers, etc can be obtained from the phpinfo() function. Just invoke it.