Terms of Use

  • The following terms of use apply to all users/visitors of the scritpverse.dev (“SCRIPTVERSE”) website (the “site”). The term “webmaster” or “I” refers to the owner of this website. The term “you” refers to the user or viewer of this website.
  • By accessing the site, you acknowledge acceptance of these terms of use. I may amend these terms of use at any time without notification.
  • Permission is granted to temporarily download/print the materials on this website for purposes of self-learning and internal training only. Content from this website may not be redistributed or reproduced in any form without specific prior permission from the webmaster.
  • I do not warrant that any of SCRIPTVERSE'S materials are 100% accurate, complete, or current. However, if you notice any inaccuracy in any of this site's contents please report to me and I will try to rectify and update it.
  • I reserve the sole right to either modify or discontinue any of the site's features (or the whole site itself) at any time with or without notifying you. I shall not be liable to you or any third party should I exercise such right.
  • These Terms of Use are effective as of June 9, 2016. I may revise/change the terms from time to time by updating this page.