Affinity Designer: Create a Simple Flat (Heart) Icon

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple flat heart icon very fast in Serif's Affinity Designer.

1) Launch Affinity Designer and create a new document ( + N).

2) Pick the Ellipse Tool and trace out a perfect circle (press SHIFT while tracing out). Fill it with some background colour, say, HSL (180,74,72) or #81ECEC.

affinity designer flat icon circle layer

3) Next, pick the Rectangle Tool and trace out a rectangle over the existing circle. Select it using the Move Tool and tilt it at the angle you deem fit so as to form a shadow of the heart-shaped figure we are going to place over it. This is what is usually known as long shadow.

affinity designer flat icon long shadow

4) Fill the long shadow's background with a slightly darker colour than the background of the underlying circle, say, HSL (179,100,40) or #00cec9.

affinity designer flat icon long shadow background

5) In the Layers panel, drag/merge the "long shadow" (rectangle) layer into the circle layer below it.

affinity designer flat icon long shadow drag
affinity designer flat icon long shadow dragged

6) Now let us select a shape. I will choose the Heart Tool here (you an select any shape you please) and trace it over the merged layers.

affinity designer heart shaped figure

7) Fill the heart's background with some different colour, say, HSL (339,97,73) or #fd79a8. Select it with the Move Tool and adjust its size so that it looks like casting the long shadow already traced. You can also select the long shadow's layer and resize it too.

affinity designer heart shaped layer traced

8) Press + A and select all the created layers.

affinity designer flat icon select all

9) Right click over the selected area and select Group from the menu.

affinity designer flat icon layers group

10) The three created layers are now grouped together; the Layers panel show them all merged. (You can expand the composed layers by clicking on the small forward icon)

affinity designer flat icon layers grouped

11) Click File > Export...

affinity designer flat icon export

12) By default, the PNG tab will be open. In the Area field, select Selection without background (for transparent background) and press Export.

affinity designer flat icon export as png

The Flat Heart Icon in Affinity Designer

Here is the heart flat icon in PNG format (with transparent background) we just exported.

affinity designer flat heart icon