Event Attributes, Event Handlers & Event Listeners

DOM elements, along with certain objects like the document object, the window object and the XMLHttpRequest object, possess a set of attributes, properties and methods to implement desired behaviour on occurence of DOM events.

Consider a <button> element in the document


and declare a function called hello() that alerts the message Hello! when called/invoked

				function hello() {

1. Event Attributes

There are a set of attributes prefixed by "on" to the name of an event that can be used on HTML elements to execute scripts on trigger of events. They are known as event attributes. onclick, onload, onmouseover, onfocus, etc are some examples of commonly used event attributes. Below we add the onclick event attribute to the <button> element as shown below

<button onclick='hello()'>Click</button>

The function hello() gets executed whenever the <button> element is clicked.

To confirm that the onclick event has been added as an attribute to the <button> element, get the onclick attribute by typing the following line into the console


and you will get the output as "hello()"

The use of event attributes however is not a recommended method anymore as Content Security Policy (CSP) implementation can block inline scripts.

2. Event Handlers

Adding an event attribute to an element creates a corresponding property. In the above section, adding the onclick event attribute to the <button> element has also created the corresponding onclick property. To see what I mean, type the below line of code into the browser console


You will find that the onclick property has been assigned the hello() function already

Now akin to event attributes, these properties also reacts to events, to each of which a function can be assigned. These properties are known as event handlers. A function assigned to an event handler is executed on occurrence of that event. Below we assign the existing hello() function to the onclick property of the <button> element

document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].onclick = hello;

We can also use an anonymous function in place of the hello() function as

document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].onclick = function(){alert("Hello!");};

Besides DOM elements, event handlers can also be used on objects like window, document, XMLHttpRequest, etc. For example, the onresize event handler is attached to the window object as

window.onresize = function(){};

But as in the case of event attributes, setting a property does not create the corresponding attribute. So if the onclick='hello()' attribute-value pair has been removed from the <button> element, setting the onclick property as

document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].onclick = hello;

will not get us back the removed onclick='hello()' attribute-value pair.

3. Event Listeners

An event can also be registered to the target element using the addEventListener() method. It has the following syntax

addEventListener(event, function, useCapture);

The event parameter, as the name itself suggests, is the name of the event that is registered to the targeted element. The function parameter refers to the function to be called when the event occurs. The useCapture parameter takes a Boolean value according to the event being propagated is bubbled (false) or captured (true).

In the example below, we make use of the addEventListener() function to register the click event to the <button> element, passing the click event as the first parameter, the existing hello() function as the second parameter, and false as the third parameter, setting the event for bubbling

document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].addEventListenner('click', hello, false);

And as shown in the above sections, we can also use an anonymous function in place of the existing hello() function

document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].addEventListenner('click', function(){
}, false);