Matplotlib: Graph/Plot a Straight Line

The slope equation $y=mx+c$ as we know it today is attributed to René Descartes (AD 1596-1650), Father of Analytic Geometry.

rene descartes Portrait of René Descartes (1596-1650) by After Frans Hals. Public Domain

The equation $y=mx+c$ represents a straight line graphically, where $m$ is its slope/gradient and $c$ its intercept. In this tutorial, you will learn how to plot $y=mx+b$ in Python with Matplotlib.

Consider the straight line $y=2x+1$, whose slope/gradient is $2$ and intercept is $1$. Before we plot, we need to import NumPy and use its linspace() function to create evenly-spaced points in a given interval. In the below example, linspace(-5,5,100) returns 100 evenly spaced points over the interval [-5,5] and this array of points goes as the first argument of the plot() function, followed by the function itself, followed by the linestyle (which is '-' here) and colour ('r', which stands for red) in abbreviated form. The last argument is the label for the legend.

					import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
					import numpy as np
					x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
					y = 2*x+1
					plt.plot(x, y, '-r', label='y=2x+1')
					plt.title('Graph of y=2x+1')
					plt.xlabel('x', color='#1C2833')
					plt.ylabel('y', color='#1C2833')
					plt.legend(loc='upper left')
matplotlib graph of y=2x+1

There are many other line-styles available in Matplotlib besides -.

matplotlib line styles

And the same goes for the colour. Below you can check out the remaining basic in-built colours.

Positioning the Axes at the Centre

When we plot a line with slope and intercept, we usually/traditionally position the axes at the middle of the graph. In the below code, we move the left and bottom spines to the center of the graph applying set_position('center'), while the right and top spines are hidden by setting their colours to none with set_color('none'). The set_ticks_position() function sets the position for the graduations along the applied axis.

						import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
						fig = plt.figure()
						ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)                   
matplotlib axes at centre

Multiple Straight Lines

We now plot multiple lines in the same graph, positioning the axes at the centre.

						import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
						import numpy as np
						fig = plt.figure()
						ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
						x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
						plt.plot(x, 2*x+1, '-r', label='y=2x+1')
						plt.plot(x, 2*x-1,'-.g', label='y=2x-1')
						plt.plot(x, 2*x+3,':b', label='y=2x+3')
						plt.plot(x, 2*x-3,'--m', label='y=2x-3')
						plt.legend(loc='upper left')
matplotlib-multiple graphs of y=mx+c